"I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again.” - Crazy Horse

Our Version:

Humanity working together to restore individual, social and ecological balance

The Details:

It is now 2050 and a significant portion of the wild spaces of every nation have been protected and restored. In every community on earth there is a holistic, sustainable healing center that weaves ancient wisdom with cutting edge science and technology to help its members heal and grow into new levels of health, wellbeing and creative potential. Thanks to the eco-spiritual wisdom of indigenous healers, those of us who lost our capacity to access the wisdom of the universe through the human body have been safely guided through the process of reconnecting to our biological power. With a critical mass of humans re-naturalized, Blue Zones explode and longevity skyrockets.

Local and national governments, businesses and economic structures have shifted from a focus on competition, control and exploitation, to collaboration, stewardship and reciprocity. The World Bank performs a global karma audit, issuing reparations to the cultures, communities and ecosystems that suffered centuries of oppression and exploitation, due to the lesser angels of our primate nature. Unhindered by the limits of biological intelligence, AI helps us monitor for shortages and excesses within communities and ecosystems, effectively automating and scaling the capacity to maintain individual, social and ecological balance and diversity.

Since the Military Industrial Complex has become obsolete, humanity has repurposed powerful infrastructure around the world to make sure that our biological needs are met with far less effort. This frees up humanity to create, play and explore. NASA is tracking how the consequent increase in human vibration is changing the energetic field around earth. The capacity to manifest a better reality in on track to break previously assumed rate limits, thereby signaling to more evolved species that humanity is ready to reconnect with our galactic families as mother earth ascends.

Virtual reality and the Metaverse provide technology to help those who struggle to explore non-human consciousness through their biological bodies, because everyone deserves to have a direct relationship with Source.