


- The Secret to Healing Illness (How to use nature and the quantum field (e.g. spirit) to heal the mind and body)

- The Body Keeps the Score (How developmental trauma impacts brain development and leads to mental illness)

- Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors (Overcoming the internalized self alienation inherint in developmental trauma)

- Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (How the human ego and human threat system interact to create chronic stress and consequent disease) 

- When the Body Says No (The role that developmental trauma plays in illness and disease)

- It Didn't Start with You (The epigenetic science of inherited trauma)

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (The bio-logical cause of addiction and how to treat it)

- Behave (A thorough documentation of the biological anthroplogy of the human organism)

- Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve (How to unlock the self-healing power of Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory)

- The Polyvagal Theory (Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation)

- Sapiens (Evolutionary Biology of the human organism and how it has led to our recent behavior as a species)


- Trauma Proofing Your Kid (How to support your child through potentially traumatic situations, so they don't develop PTSD)

- Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide (An overview of the phases of child development and how parents can support healthy maturation)

- Neuro-sequential Model of Therapy (How the brain develops naturally, and how trauma impacts that development)

- Brainstorm (How the teenage brain differs from adolescents and adults, plus how to support the teenage phase of development)



- Awakening to the Spirit World (An overview of and ways to engage with the Eco-Spiritual world of Shamanism)

- Lessons from the 12 Archangels (Channeled messages from the Archangels to help humans wake up to their divinity)

- The Dream, the Journey, Eternity and God (Channeled 12D wisdom about the nature of the universe and humanity's power to shape its own experience)

- The Wisdom of the Council (Channeled messages of 12D wisdom to help human beings thrive)

- The Awakened Way (How to live a life guided by unseen wisdom)

- The Great Awakening (Details on the prophesized shift from 3D to 5D as earth enters her ascension process)

- The Soul Retrieval Journey (Bringing the soul back into the body after trauma and disconnection)

- Spiritual Emergency (An overview of the phenomenon of waking up to the truth of spirit through the body and mind)

- Being Peace (How to tap into the greater truth of your quantum entanglement with all things to find peace)



- Belonging (How humans are wired for community connection to each other and the land)

- Tribe (How conflicts and threats bring communities and societies together in ways that improve health)

The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture (How our environments are making us sick by neglecting and abusing our true nature)

- Finding Our True Self in This Crazy World (Historial and Multi-Generational Social and Systsemic Trauma)



- Braiding Sweetgrass (A Native American botanist explains the eco-spiritual truth of our interconnection with mother nature)

- The Intelligence of Trees (How forests use the mycelium like an internet to share information and resources to keep the ecosystem healthy)

Building The New Earth, Humanity's Great Opportunity (Humanity's opportunity to heal the grief of perceived disconnection from nature in pursuit of a better future)



- Every Life is on Fire (How thermodynamics explains the origins of living things, and puts our organic intelligence in context)

The Neuroscience of Spirituality, Synchronicity & The Awakened Brain (The brain science of the spiritual interconnection of all things)

Proof That Reality Is An Illusion: The Mystery Beyond Space-Time (The theory thatt conscoiusness creates spacetime; and thus, the illusion of the human experinece)

The Science Of Transformation, Pineal Gland Time Travel & Mystical Experiences (The neuroscience of transforming your bioloy by letting go of the past)

- Becoming Supernatural (Unlocking your quantum potential to heal your physical body through consciousness)

- Letting Go (The vibration of emotion and how that coorelates to disease vs. health and happiness vs. suffering)




- Swimming in the Sacred (Elder female guide wisdom at the intersection of trauma healing and spirituality)

- How to Change Your Mind (How Psychedelics can help the entire human organism to heal and grow)



- Spirit Pharmicist (Drug interactions guide, reduced fee consultation, courses and guides, email based questions and answers)

- Fireside Project (Psychedelic prep and integration coaching, and a trip support helpline)

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