Physicists and Biologists are beginning to rediscover what eco-spiritual healers have never forgotten:
- There is a conscious creator behind the space/time universe we inhabit
- The universe is conscious, and so is our planet
- Humans have the capacity to access higher levels of consciousness to heal and grow
Said another way, science is finally proving what indigenous peoples have embodied for millennia: The human organism only perceives its material separation from the natural world and the cosmos. That means, maintaining our health and realizing our potential requires remembering our personal, social and planetary interconnection.

These discoveries couldn't have come at a better time. For generations, we have been trapped in cultural, religious, political and economic systems that have abused, neglected and denied our divine interconnection with each other, the planet and the cosmos, leading us to:
- Abuse and neglect ourselves in the ways we were abused and neglected
- Dehumanize, compete with, oppress or attack those we perceive as different
- Poison ourselves by contaminating our water, soil, food and air
In response, our mental, emotional, physical and energetic bodies have shifted into lower vibrational states, forcing many of our souls to vacated our bodies. The resulting epidemic of mental and emotional suffering, physical disease and premature death has begun to bring down global life expectancy.

Unfortunately, the mainstream medical system is not equipped to address the problem because they have neither the infrastructure nor the wisdom to treat humans holistically. Drug companies are incentivized to manage instead of cure disease, because throwing medications at chronic suffering is more profitable than healing people. Insurance companies are pressured to maintain the status quo short-term, because restricting coverage and denying claims increases profits and minimizes losses.
Fortunately, the systems that have perpetuated our suffering are being dismantled and re-imagined, giving us the opportunity to build a healthcare model that shifts from helping people cope with, to helping people heal from the disempowerment of our perceived separation from others, the planet and the divine. And, the people are ready for change.
Only 27% of Americans feel that our Healthcare system meets their needs*. In response, people are increasingly integrating ancient wisdom and earth-based healing practices into their continuum of care; a trend that will accelerate as mainstream availability of psychedelic therapies reconnect us to our innate healing wisdom and our interdependence with each other and the natural world.
The exciting news is: Our government is taking action. The U.S. Health and Human Services Department has already announced plans to:
- Reduce the amount of toxins allowed in our food, water and soil, which will not only heal disease, but re-awaken our innate ability to access the wisdom of higher levels of Source consciousness
- Legalize psychedelic medicines, reconnecting us to the elemental, plant and animal allies that have helped us reclaim our quantum capacity to heal and grow for thousands of years
- Fund organic and sustainable farm-based, holistic healing centers that provide the mind, body and spirit with the environment people need to heal in the arms of community and mother nature
Finally, our scientific tools are now precise enough to measure how returning to clean living and reconnecting to each other, the land and the divine impacts our overall health. This allows those who cannot feel their divine interconnection with everything around them to see it; and thus, to believe it because it has been demonstrated by the science and technology they trust. As such, with a disciplined, focused and iterative strategy, the opportunity to disrupt the 3-trillion dollar US healthcare market has never been better.
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